May 19, 2013

Welcome to Eunuch Faith!

In this video, Brian Anthony Bowen reveals Scriptures the Church never talks about which prove that Jesus taught that LGBT people are born this way...and that prove the Apostle Paul ordained Gay Marriage...IN THE BIBLE!

This changes EVERYTHING!
More info:


The vision of Eunuch Faith is to be a Word of Faith, Pastor supportive, Church focused, Family oriented resource for faith communities to refer their LGBT congregants and their parents.

The mission of Eunuch Faith is to reveal the prophetic role LGBT people play in preparing the Church, the Jews, and the Nations for the return of Jesus Christ.

The goals of Eunuch Faith include:
  • Facilitating a deeper understanding of the revelations concerning born eunuchs as conveyed by Scripture
  • Educating born eunuchs and their families in the principles of the Christian Faith that encourage spiritual growth and development
  • Identifying the unique prophetic purpose of born eunuchs in the spiritual life of the Christian Church
  • Encouraging born eunuchs to seek opportunities to serve their local faith community in their capacity as born eunuchs 
  • Preparing parents of born eunuchs to respond to their coming out with revelations contained in the Eunuch Scriptures
  • Reconciling born eunuchs with their family members who often times become estranged after coming out
  • Refining the public message conveyed by Christians regarding born eunuchs to more effectively reflect the compassion and love of God toward all His children
  • Proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel in a way that is relevant to born eunuchs
  • Encouraging born eunuchs to cultivate the Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit for the enrichment of the World Wide Body of Christ
  • Training born eunuchs to boldly proclaim "the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" to every nation, every religion, and every family...every day!

This is the Eunuch Voice Of Living Victoriously Every Day!
Or what we like to call, E.V.O.L.V.E.D.

Welcome Home to FAMILY, where LOVE is KING and where


Brian Anthony Bowen

THANK YOU for your generous support of this work!
Let him who receives instruction in the Word of God share all good things with his teacher, contributing to his support.
Galatians 6:6